Saturday, January 24, 2009

New Adventures...

My seaglass jewelery will now be available for purchase. Ughhh

This was a ridiculously difficult decision for me. Having my seaglass out there, makes me rather uncomfortable. I love creating these pieces and each one I believe is beautiful in it's own special way so letting go of them is not easy for me.

I have given a precious few as gifts and only one was received with less than a stellar response, but that one, left me feeling crushed. I wanted so badly to take it back. I knew it would probably never be worn, never be enjoyed.
Don't get me wrong she "liked" it, she was gracious but to her it was nothing special, it could have been a macaroni necklace.

I should have known better, I did know just wasn't her thing.

It's my thing, it's me... but it is definitely not her.

So after contemplating this for weeks (obsess much) I have realized that making my creations available to others, for sale, makes it feel safe.
Somebody seeking out, carefully choosing, falling in love with and putting down their hard earned money for my seaglass jewelery makes it safe.

It will be loved because it will be their "thing" as well.

Tomorrow I will post my first few to all of you who share in my love of everything organic and simple here goes nothing! Woo hoo!


  1. Heeeeeey Tina!
    I can't wait to see some of your work! My sister is big on sea glass. Last time we went to the beach she told me I wasn't allowed to go till I found her 5 peices of glass!

  2. I will buy some of your sea glass... a necklace or earrings would be lovely! Everytime I wear it Mac and I will think of you!

  3. Not earrings... I meant to say bracelet. :)

  4. Yay Tina, love your website! I adore my necklace and if you hadn't given me one I sure as hell would have bought one :-). Congratulations on launching this next phase of your life... I wish you all the success in the world!

  5. I can't wait to see your new pieces!!! I'm so excited for you Tina.
